The Dentist at Orenco Station Blog

The Teeth Underneath Veneers and Crowns

January 15, 2019

Smiling woman with perfect white teethWhether you need to have a dental crown to repair and preserve a damaged tooth, or you’ve chosen to get porcelain veneers in Hillsboro to improve the appearance of your smile, the teeth underneath will need to be reshaped. This must be done to accommodate the veneer or crown and to ensure a comfortable fit and natural look. But what happens once a tooth is reshaped? Read on to learn how the tooth is protected and more about porcelain veneers and dental crowns.


What Exactly IS a Cavity? A Restorative Dentist In Hillsboro Explains

December 16, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — kearbey @ 10:47 pm

A tooth with a close-up view of bacteriaHere’s a couple of surprising statistics for you: According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, over 90% of the population has had cavities at some point in their life. And if that weren’t bad enough, an estimated 27% of adults currently have undiagnosed cavities. But although this is a common oral health problem, you still may not know what a cavity actually is. Keep reading to find out more and learn about the best way to protect your teeth. Knowledge is power – and can ultimately minimize the amount of dental work you need from a restorative dentist in Hillsboro!


Get the Exact Smile You Want with Porcelain Veneers in Hillsboro

September 13, 2018

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — Tags: — kearbey @ 1:58 am

woman with veneersAre you tired of feeling insecure about your imperfect teeth? You can get a picture-perfect smile with porcelain veneers in Hillsboro. By attaching them to the front surfaces of your teeth, you instantly hide your flaws. You are left with a dazzling white smile that looks natural. The process will involve permanently altering your teeth, so you want to make sure it is done right the first time. With many decisions to be made, it is best to choose a cosmetic dentist who is experienced in the procedure to give you exactly what you want.

Your Cosmetic Dentist in Hillsboro Says You Deserve a Smile Makeover!

August 15, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — kearbey @ 3:04 pm

woman smiling with perfect teethSome of the first people to enjoy the benefits of cosmetic dentistry were Hollywood celebrities. Eventually, though, the products and treatments they were privy to were made available to the general public. Thus, having access to a beautiful smile is no longer a discretionary category just for a select group. That’s why your cosmetic dentist in Hillsboro reminds you that you too deserve to have the smile of your dreams. However, there’s more to cosmetic dentistry than what meet’s the eye. Read on to learn what else it has to offer.


If Porcelain Dolls are Fragile, Why are Porcelain Restorations Durable?

June 13, 2018

several porcelain restorations on tabletopBefore you get started with a cosmetic or restorative dentistry plan that includes dental porcelain, you may be thinking, “Isn’t porcelain fragile?” The answer is, “Yes and no.” While a porcelain doll or a porcelain glass may be fragile, a porcelain knife is strong and so are porcelain restorations. The key is using the highest grade porcelain and cementing it into position properly, so the underlying tooth structures provide support and strength. In fact, porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges, and other restorations are just as strong if not stronger than your healthy tooth enamel, and they can be shaded to perfectly match these natural structures.

Dentist in Hillsboro Highlights Signs of Oral Cancer

April 25, 2018

Filed under: Family Dentistry — Tags: , — kearbey @ 9:51 pm

oral cancerTo prevent against tooth decay and gum disease, you maintain your oral hygiene habits at home and visit your dentist in Hillsboro twice a year, but did you know that there may be another threat lingering in your mouth? Over 49,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer every year. Unfortunately, those who develop it have a little over a 50% 5-year survival rate. All too often, the cancer goes undetected and undiagnosed until it has reached the advanced stages or metastasized to other areas of your body. To help promote early detection, it is best to learn your risk factors for oral cancer and to undergo a regular screening.

Learn More about Your Coverage with Your Delta Dental Dentist in Hillsboro

February 10, 2018

Filed under: General Dentistry — kearbey @ 7:07 pm

Man at dentistEvery month, you pay premiums for dental and health insurance to keep your mouth and body healthy. While you may believe that they are one in the same, there are clear differences between the two. Although both cover necessary treatments, you cannot use your dental insurance for medical purposes and vise versa. To use your dental coverage correctly and to maximize its value, your Delta Dental dentist in Hillsboro can help.

Can You Afford Veneers from a Cosmetic Dentist in Hillsboro?

January 7, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — kearbey @ 2:04 pm

woman smiling white teethDo you have multiple dental flaws that you would like to get rid of forever? What if there was a way that you could cover those imperfections the duration of your smile? Now you can! Porcelain veneers from your cosmetic dentist in Hillsboro allow patients to change multiple features about their smiles to give them teeth that they are proud to show off! Learn more about you can get this affordable form of cosmetic dental work in this week’s blog post.


Make Regular Visits to Your Delta Dental Dentist in Hillsboro Today!

December 18, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — kearbey @ 6:55 pm

A patient smiling.Every morning you wake up, ready to brush, floss and start your workday. You work hard so you can get home to do all the other chores on your plate. Paying bills, doing laundry, the list goes on. But when was the last time you thought to schedule an appointment with your Delta dental dentist in Hillsboro? 6 months ago? A year? Longer?

Regular visits are an important part of preventive oral care for many reasons. That’s why your dentist in Hillsboro wants to talk about it. Keep reading to learn how regular visits are for more than just cleanings.


Dentist in Hillsboro Weighs on the Legend of the Mysterious Tooth Worm

November 3, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — kearbey @ 12:49 pm

woman holding face painfully from toothacheLegend has it that a great worm, ancient in origin, has lurked in the deep abyss of the mouths of those unfortunate humans who were marked for toothache and decay. A ravenous little creature, he has been believed by some to be the cause of dental maladies. As time as gone on, though, and science has progressed, some overwhelming facts have arisen to suggest another reason for your tooth decay and pain. And your dentist in Hillsboro discusses them in detail.


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